Spaces of Emancipation
Created by Alejandra Navarrete
Multiple cities
spatial practice
Spaces of Emancipation provides a reading on the tensions and contradictions in spatial design for secluded communities which propose alternative forms of cooperation, interdependence, and self-reliance. From women-only spaces in urban contexts to feminist collective practices in rural areas. Investigating their capacity to question gender boundaries, norms, and inequalities, this project focuses on contemporary women-only spaces in urban contexts and women-only communities in rural areas. Drawing attention to little-known practices by women in historically male-dominated societies, the project unfolds women’s roles contesting contemporary processes of land privatization, labor exploitation, and environmental exhaustion. Spaces of Emancipation is a long-term research that has materialized in the form of a text published in Faktur: Documents and Architecture and is currently under development in a series of tables of assembly.